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Configure plugin TAB - Falix


Developer: NEZNAMY

Download this Plugin

What is TAB?

As you may know, pressing and holding the tab key on your computer’s keyboard reveals the player list at the top of the window. This can be spiced up using the TAB plugin by introducing extra information into the player list. You can add just like date, domain, announcements, and much more.

Installation Process

Like any other plugin, you’ll need to download the .jar file of TAB, then add it to your plugins folder. Once you’ve added TAB to your plugins folder, fully restart the server, and all configuration files will be generated for TAB.

You can download TAB by clicking “Dowload this Plugin” above.


Updating Information to fit your Server

By default, after the plugin installation, there is already a setup for TAB. It looks like this:


As you can see, there are some stuff we need to change like “Server name” and “www.domain.com”. You can find “Server name” on line 13 in the TAB configurations file (plugins/TAB/config.yml__), under header:.

As for the domain, if you’re wanting to set it, the creator of TAB has put this in the animations config file (plugins/TAB/animations.yml__). You’ll need to config each line if you want it animated, or you can just have one line and remove all the others like this:

  change-interval: 200
  - '&efalixnodes.net'

Also feel free to configure anything else if needed, ours turned out like this after configuring the server name and domain:


If you don’t want all the information in the tab that is already provided by default, you can simply remove all this information in the config.yml file under header: and make it turn out like this:
